Colorado Quilt Shop Directory

quilt shops of colorado

The other reason we are the most popular way to find quilt shops worldwide is because we provide maps and our Trip Planner™ to find quilt shops along the way. You can even see quilt shop sales, shop hops, and quilt shows! We continue to be the best place to find quilt shops, or to advertise your quilt shop and events.

List of Quilt Shops In Colorado

Cañon City

First Stitches - Canon City

212 S Fourth St, Cañon City, Colorado, 81212
+1 (719) 285-8088
Baby Lock and Janome Sewing & Embroidery Machine Stores & Quilt Shop in beautiful small town Cañon City, CO

Colorado Springs

High Country Quilts And Bernina

4727 N Academy Blvd, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80918
+1 (719) 598-1312


Creative Traditions

115 South Interocean Avenue, Holyoke, Colorado, 80734
+1 (970) 854-3699
selling fabrics and notions and teaching classes for creating new treasures with time-honored traditions


Sew So Sweet Quilt Shop

13596 Front Street, Peyton, Colorado, 80831
+1 (303) 829-2651
Bringing the community together one stitch at a time



125 North 2nd Street, Sterling, Colorado, 80751
+1 (970) 522-0146
Quilt shop supplying Northeastern Colorado. Fabric, quilt supplies, BERNINA machines, Jim's Formal Wear, custom sewing, custom embroid...