California Quilt Shop Directory

quilt shops of california

The other reason we are the most popular way to find quilt shops worldwide is because we provide maps and our Trip Planner™ to find quilt shops along the way. You can even see quilt shop sales, shop hops, and quilt shows! We continue to be the best place to find quilt shops, or to advertise your quilt shop and events.

List of Quilt Shops In California


D and J Sewing

2700 Clovis Ave, Clovis, California, 93612
+1 (559) 225-4927
D & J Sewing has been serving the Central Valley since 1991. Founded by Don and Jeannie Hadley with the goal to provide the sewing comm...

Costa Mesa

Piecemakers Country Store

Pending, Costa Mesa, California, 92626
+1 (714) 641-3112
"Wow, I feel like I have come home." This is the feeling of not only Americans but our family from all over the world as they ste...

Palm Desert

TrishTacSew - Quilt Shop And Sewing Classes

73608 California 111, Palm Desert, California, 92260
+1 (760) 851-8101
We welcome you to visit TrishTacSew - Quilt Shop And Sewing Classes.