Santa Rosa Quilt Guild

50.00 USD/Year membership fee
PO Box 9251, Santa Rosa, California, 95405



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The Santa Rosa Quilt Guild is dedicated to preserving this country's quilting heritage through the education and enhancement of quilt-making skills. Our members have a love of quilting and all things quilt-related and welcome those who have similar interests. Since 1976 our membership has increased from a small group of founding members to over 260 and still growing! We welcome you to visit Santa Rosa Quilt Guild httpswwwsantarosaquiltguildorg.


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Upcoming Events


Monthly Meeting

Thursday, April 3, 2025 10 AM - 12 PM
Every Month on First Thursday
Santa Rosa Veterans Memorial Building
1351 Maple Avenue, Santa Rosa, California, 95404
Come join us at our monthly meeting.