Pioneer Quilters Guild

40.00 USD/Year membership fee
5400 Barton Rd, Loomis, California, 95650



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We are a wonderful group of women who enjoy learning, quilting, and being together. We offer two quilt camps per year that have great food in a peaceful, not-too-high elevation; two day camps; a beautiful quilt show offering hand-crafted items in our boutique and quilts for sale; community service opportunities, and more.


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Upcoming Events


Monthly Guild Meeting

Monday, April 7, 2025 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Every Month on First Monday
Pioneer Quilters Guild
5400 Barton Rd, Loomis, California, 95650
We meet monthly every month except July. Our "September" meeting is held the last Monday in August because of Labor Day.