Naples Quilters Guild

45.00 USD/Year membership fee
777 Mooring Line Dr, Naples, Florida, 34103



Use Contact Us from their website.



The purpose of this organization shall be to contribute to the growth of knowledge about quilting techniques, patterns, history and quilt making by: 1. Providing educational meetings; 2. Encouraging fun and fellowship among those who love quilts and quilting; 3. Sponsoring and supporting quilting activities and learning opportunities; 4. Encouraging quilt making, collecting and preservation; 5. Promoting the appreciation and knowledge of quilting in the community through shows and demonstrations; 6. Providing monetary and in-kind donations to charitable groups in our community. Our guild is committed to supporting our chosen charities: The Children's Advocacy Center and Partners for Breast Cancer Care.


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Upcoming Events


Monthly Meeting

Thursday, March 20, 2025 6:30 PM - 9 PM
Every Month on Third Thursday
Emmanuel Lutheran Church
777 Mooring Line Dr, Naples, Florida, 34103
The meetings include an interesting educational program, show & tell and a business meeting.